Piadina recipe

Today pescenudo.it is going to explain ho to make a traditional regional recipe: piadina.

There are many recipes fon make piadina. Every family in Romagna region as his recipe.  Around Ravenna area, piadina is more thick than the Rimini area, which is more thin and light.

Piadina taste good in every way, large, thin, alone or with ham, with squacquerone and arugula, or with Nutella.

I remember that as a child if the night before it was advanced some piadina, I used to put it in caffe latte for breakfast.

Okay, no more talk, now we public another recipe (a similar one I had already inserted in this article: Roll appetizers Adri-Romagna.

for 10 piadina 170 g each
I kg wheat flour 0
150g lard
25 g baking powder
75 g starch
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
25 g salt
220 g warm milk
200 g water

After mixing all the ingredients, divide the dough into 10 balls. Allow to stand for 30 minutes in a plastic bag for foods.  Roll the piadinas with a small rolling pin and cook on the  hot plate.