(Italiano) Mazzancolle al sale di Cervia aromatizzato

Today another great recipe from a friend of ours, who have on other occasions helped, offering recipes to pescenudo.it: Monica Meoni.
Prawns with aromatized salt from Cervia with pesto sicilian style ….. Monica says: a fusion of flavors!

Mazzancolle al sale

Ingredients for 4 people
16 shrimp
gr. 500 salt of Cervia
1 bunch mixed herbs
8 sun-dried tomatoes
½ lemon
½ clove garlic
Extra virgin q.b.
some parsley

Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
Clean the prawns by removing the intestines and dry with paper towels.
Chop the herbs and mix in the salt. Put half of the flavored salt on a baking sheet and arrange the prawns.
Coat the shrimp with the rest of the flavored salt and cook for 20 min at 200 ° C.

Meanwhile chop the sun-dried tomatoes (which will be softened before with a bit ‘of water, but if you just need use those in oil, drain them well …) and make a sauce in a blender with the garlic, olive oil and lemon a little parsley.
Once cooked, serve the prawns accompanied by the sauce.

A pleasure the mise en place!!

Thank you Monica and congratulations!

(Italiano) Papas arrugadas

Let’s go back to the memories of Spain, in the Canary Islands …!
All restaurants, cafes and tapaserie of these islands, serve this dish … papas arrugadas that normally come with 2 or 3 sauces: mojo rojo, mojo verde and aioli.

papas arrugadas

1 kg small new potatoes (the quality using in the Canaries is the “papa bonita”
1 kg coarse sea salt

Wash the potatoes very well, (they will be cooked and successively eaten with the skin), put them in a pot, add 500 g of salt and enough water to cover the potatoes. The potatoes should float, if not , add more salt.
Cook the papas for about 20 minutes, until they are tender inside, but they shoul’d be too soft. Strain and pour into a pan, add the remaining salt and put them back on the stove stirring gently until the skin become “arrugada.”
Serve hot accompanied with mojo sauce and or aioli.

Raw prawns e finger lime

A plate of raw food as it is, without adding anything, no salt, no oil, no pepper, no soy!

Mazzancolle e finger lime

The finger lime is a citrus fruit that grows in the wetlands of Australia. You can find some distributors of quality food. Someone also called it vegetable caviar, for the shape of its fruit. It can be found in different colors. The taste and sour and goes well with many other ingredients!

Finger lime

Ingredients for 4 people:
16 homegrown fresh prawns
n 2 finger lime

Remove the head of the shrimp, peel and making a slight incision in the back, remove the intestines.
Keep tails for garnish.
Cut the shrimp into small pieces and arrange them neatly on 4 plates.
Gently pull the balls of finger lime and sprinkle over the shrimp. Garnish with the shrimp tails.
In fact, do not add anything … !

Raw and eaten!

Sogliola, broccoli, arancia e zenzero

Ieri sera siamo stati invitati a casa Savoia. Monica ci ha deliziato con un menu di pesce composto da diverse portate, tutte sfiziose e gustose. Monica da qualche anno sta frequentando corsi di cucina e gli apprendimenti, uniti alla passione, che di sicuro non le manca, fanno di lei una cuoca provetta.
Oggi vi proponiamo uno dei piatti che Monica ci ha servito. Involtini di sogliola cotti al vapore, con broccoli e salsa all’arancia e zenzero.

Ci siamo divertiti a cucinare, poi a mangiare e bere in ottima compagnia.

Ingredienti per 4 persone.
4 grosse sogliole
400 g di broccoli
2 arance
1 limone
maizena quanto basta
sale rosa dell’Himalaya
olio extravergine d’oliva

Come prima operazione, pulire le sogliole e con cura sfilettarle ottenendo 2 filetti da ogni sogliola.
Tagliare i broccoli, lavarli e cuocerli in acqua bollente salata. Conservare 4 foglie, le useremo passate in padella con un filo d’olio per completare il piatto. Raggiunta la cottura scolare i broccoli e raffreddarli in acqua ghiacciata.
Lavare bene le arancie, tagliare 4 belle fettine che serviranno da guarnizione, e spremere la restante.
Non gettare le scorze dell’arance scorza dell’arance.
Pelare lo zenzero, grattugiarlo, strizzare e filtrare il succo.
In un piccolo pentolino, unire succo d’arancia e poco zenzero; mescolando con una frusta aggiungere un cucchiaino di maizena e portare a bollore. La salsa deve essere vellutata; se non fosse abbastanza densa, aggiungere ancora un po’ di maizena, meglio se sciolta in poca acqua, per evitare di formare dei grumi.
Tritare finemente i broccoli e condirli con sale e olio, e conservare in caldo.
A questo punto arrotolare i filetti di sogliola e fermarli con con stecchini di bamboo.
Preparare una vaporiera unendo all’acqua le scorze d’arancio, il limone ed il mandarino tagliati a pezzi. Appoggiare gli involtini nell’apposito vassoio forato e cuocerli, chiusi con un coperchio, per 3/5 minuti.
Impiattare mettendo una quenella di polpa di broccoli nel centro del piatto, la foglia lucidata in padella, 2 involtini, la salsa, una fettina d’arancia passata in padella, la salsa, il sale e l’olio.

Grazie Monica e Raffaele, per l’ospitalità!

Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe

I hope that the Tuscans do not get angry with me, but today I made Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe a little my way.

Ingredienti for 4 people:
200 g of Tuscan bread (3 or 4 days before at most)
2 cloves of garlic
4 ripe but firm tomatoes
60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
10 leaves of fresh basil
Cervia salt

Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for 12/15 seconds, then cool them in iced water; peel them and remove the seeds, keeping their water after filtering it.
Cut the bread into small pieces and sauté in a pan with the garlic, peeled and cut into strips and 40 ml of oil, taking care not to burn the bread or the garlic
Remove from the heat, add the water from the tomatoes and leave to rest for about twenty minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes and put on the heat for about 10/15 minutes, add salt and if the pasta is too dry add a little water.
Serve hot or cold adding the basil, the remaining oil and a little ground pepper at the moment.