Caesar salad

The Caesar salad is probably the most famous in the world salad. In the United States, there is no restaurant that does not offer it. It is named after chef Caesar Cardini, an immigrant from Italy to California. It seems that for an event especially had to improvise with the ingredients they had available and so was born the caesar salad.

caesar salad

Ingredients for 4 people
1 head romaine lettuce big
2 cloves of garlic, peeled
3 anchovies (are important, but even vegetarians can do without)
1 lemon squeezed
60 g extra virgin olive oil
50 g freshly grated Parmesan cheese
30 g parmesan flakes
Freshly ground black pepper
handful of toasted bread

Wash the lettuce and cut crosswise into thin slices. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub the inside of a salad bowl wood. Add the salad.
Put the garlic cloves were in a food processor with the anchovies. Blend until you have a puree. Add the lemon juice, and olive oil and blend again. Add the cheese and black pepper and mix. Taste and season with salt.
Pour over salad croutons Roman dress with the sauce, and finish with grated parmesan and freshly ground pepper.
There are several versions of caesar salad: you can add capers, chicken breast, gray … this is only the starting point and then everyone can customize to taste.