Code di scampi crude con apple blossoms

Apple blossoms are tiny flowers red color and slightly sour green apple.

Can be used to complete and decorate different recipes.

code di scampi crude

Ingredients for four people:
16 fresh prawns 70/80 g each
Apple blossom
One apple smith grammy
Extra virgin olive oil
Maldon salt

Remove the heads of the prawns. Shell the code and delete the thread by making an incision on the back.
Cut the apple into thin strips.
Spread in an orderly manner and have the tails of shrimp on each of three slices of apple and roll them one by one.
Place three shrimp on each plate.
Drizzle with a little olive oil and salt Madon.
Dropping on to the tails of shrimp 3/4 apple blossoms.

Raw and eaten!

Raw prawns e finger lime

A plate of raw food as it is, without adding anything, no salt, no oil, no pepper, no soy!

Mazzancolle e finger lime

The finger lime is a citrus fruit that grows in the wetlands of Australia. You can find some distributors of quality food. Someone also called it vegetable caviar, for the shape of its fruit. It can be found in different colors. The taste and sour and goes well with many other ingredients!

Finger lime

Ingredients for 4 people:
16 homegrown fresh prawns
n 2 finger lime

Remove the head of the shrimp, peel and making a slight incision in the back, remove the intestines.
Keep tails for garnish.
Cut the shrimp into small pieces and arrange them neatly on 4 plates.
Gently pull the balls of finger lime and sprinkle over the shrimp. Garnish with the shrimp tails.
In fact, do not add anything … !

Raw and eaten!

Insalata Nizzarda

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
2 grosse patate lessate
120 g di fagiolini lessati
100 g tonno bianco alalunga sott’olio
8 acciughe
4 uova sode
1/2 peperone
1/2 cipolla di Tropea tagliata a julienne
4 pomodori tagliati a spicchi

Salade niçoise, nizzarda in italiano, e’ un piatto che ha origine nel sud della Francia (Costa Azzurra, Nizza).
Un piatto sano e completo che ognuno può personalizzare scegliendo la qualità e la varietà dei prodotti e sbizzarrirsi nella presentazione.

Usare tonno sott’olio e acciughe di qualità renderà questa ricetta ancora più gustosa.

Per questo motivo, oggi ho provato alcuni prodotti: le acciughe Olasagasti e il tonno bianco alalunga sott’olio del Mar Cantabrico Orlando.



Esqueixada di merluzzo

This is’ a variant of the recipe  ” Esqueixada of cod'” .

The variant more important’ the use of fresh cod instead of cod. Potatoes instead are crushed and seasoned with olive oil.
Cod and ‘a fish has a very delicate and tender meat. Also for this reason must be freshly caught. Once filleted, removed the skin and bones, it should be cut down to 24 hours at -20 degrees Celsius. Once bonded to 2 degrees, you can ‘create the dish.