Polpo tiepido, patate schiacciate e olive taggiasche

Octopus and potato appetizer is very classic fish throughout southern Italy. In this recipe we changed a bit ‘outstanding amounts, but still remains the tradition and taste!

Ingredients for 4 people
n. 1 octopus 800 g
600 g yellow potatoes
200 g coarse salt
40 g olives
extra virgin olive oil

If the octopus is fresh put in into the freezer  at -20º C for 24 hours, then defrost, dip it in boiling water and cook for 35 minutes. Let cool a few minutes then remove the excess skin.
Meanwhile, cook the potatoes well washed, putting them in a pot with 1L of cold water into which they were dissolved 200 g of salt.
Once cooked, peel them, mash them and season with olive oil. Arrange on 4 plates, distribute the still warm octopus, cut in thick transverse slices about half a centimeter.
Complete with black olives, pitted, chopped some, some other whole, a little chopped parsley and extra virgin olive oil